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Welcome to St Andrew's, Rugby's Town Church, a church called to give its very best in the worship of God and the service of all God's people in our community.

Sunday 8am Said Holy Communion in church

Sunday 10.30am Parish Eucharist in church and via Twitch

Sunday 6pm monthly pattern

1st Sunday of the month Evening Prayer on Zoom

2nd Sunday of the month Sung Evensong in church

3rd Sunday of the month Celtic Evening Prayer in church

4th Sunday of the month Choral Evensong in church


Tuesday 9.30am Reflective Eucharist in church 

Tuesday 8.30pm Compline Sung Night Prayer shared on Facebook live

Wednesday 12noon Eucharist in church



The Revd Canon Edmund Newey, Rector

This Sunday at St Andrew's Church

The Third Sunday of Lent

23rd March 2025

8.00am BCP Holy Communion

President & Preacher: The Rev’d Canon Edmund Newey

10:30am Choral Eucharist

President: The Rev'd Alison Baxter

Deacon: The Rev'd James Sampson-Foster

Preacher: The Rev'd Canon Edmund Newey

6.00pm Choral Evensong

President: The Rev'd Canon Edmund Newey

Reflection: The Rev'd James Sampson-Foster 


Join our live stream of the 10.30am Parish Eucharist service from Church this week.

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Previous sermons and reflections are available to view here


 Read the latest edition of our magazine

A network of churches, groups and individuals uniting together around a shared vision


Working to improve our town and well-being of the people who live here.

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Promoting understanding, cooperation and good relations between organisations and persons of different faiths in Rugby. 


Parish Safeguarding

We take the safeguarding of children, young people and the vulnerable very seriously. In the document immediately below you will find the contact details of our Parish Safeguarding Officers. The Diocesan 24 hour contact number is 024 7652 1345. 

Safeguarding Statement with contact numbers.    Our Parish Safeguarding Policy

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