St Andrew's Church
A sacred place for Rugby

Eco Church
St Andrew's Gold Award Winners May 2019

In May 2019 we found out that we had been awarded the Gold Eco Award from A Rocha, when it was announced we were one of only 6 churches in the country who had so far achieved the Gold Award
Some of the things we have done: had LED lighting installed, use recycled paper, moved over to a green electricity supplier, invited speakers to come and talk to us about a variety of eco issues, promoted eco living tips in our weekly newsletter, fundraised for Christian Aid and Toilet Twinning, planted trees, carbon offsetting, developed Muddy Church, become a recycling hub (from crisp packets to ink jet cartridges), started monthly Eco Fayres, run a Clothes Swap and much more!
Muddy Church: embracing the outdoor world, going on adventures and worshipping God. Follow this link to find out more.
The Eco Church Award is broken down into categories: Worship, Building, Land, Community and Global, and Lifestyle. The Award helps your church think about all these areas and how to modify or change practice in order for positive benefits for our environment.
Some things are easy to do and some things take a bit more time and thought. But, we have enjoyed the journey so far and we are looking forward to where it will take us next. Come and Join Us!
Find out more about them here:
The Chair of our Eco Group is John Daymond. You can leave him a message through the Parish Office.
Look at our other pages: Muddy Church, Community Organising and Garden Project to find out more about what we are doing. We hope that you will be part of our Eco Church Story.

A member of the St Andrew's Congregation writes a Blog about living a plastic free life:
She also has some great eco tips and products that you can buy. She always runs her stall at one of our Eco Fayres.